Claudia Chyntia Ayu – 2015 Scholar

2015 Scholar English Literature Student Yogyakarta


I’m Claudia Chyntia Ayu Anggraeni, one of the scholars of the Indonesian Leadership Foundation’s scholarship 2015. By this time, I attend college in English Literature Department in Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ILF Scholarship is such a miracle for me. I never expected to get it, but I believe that God has helped me up there. Because of my family condition after my father’s dead, I was doubt whether I should continue my study or not. My mother was still grieving and our economic condition was getting weaker. But my brother supported me to keep my dream college in my mind. He was the one who ask me to applied Indonesian Leadership Foundation’s scholarship 2015. At first, I was not confident because of my low experience in leadership, but he kept support me as well. He told me that leadership can be learned and he believe that I have leadership inside. I realize now that in Sanata Dharma University, the students will not only learn the specialities but also the soft skills such as leadership. I’ve joined some communities, student activity units, and committees since I’ve come here. It is all because of the Indonesian Leadership Foundation’s scholarship that made me become what I am now. I’ve got many friends, I’ve learned to speak louder as I am, and I’ve found my leadership skill. In this chance, I want to thank Indonesian Leadership Foundation for giving me the chance to experience all this college life by giving me the scholarship. I will not waste this chance because I want to learn more and more and explore myself to find what can I give to Indonesia after this. I’m still thinking about my future job. I don’t know if I will be an ambassador or a reporter or a translator, but my dream since I was a kid is to be an author. That is the job that definitely I will become. I want to produce a book that will make Indonesian proud of them and want to lead this country to be better too. I know I have to learn a lot to make this dream come true and I will.

Claudia at the 7th Asian Youth Day in Yogyakarta

During the Catholic youth summit last summer, Claudia was a member of publication and promotion team, managing social media and media relations for Asian Youth Day (AYD).

She built good relations with journalists from both local and foreign media. She even appeared in several newspapers, magazines, radio and local television. Shown in the picture is Claudia with Ronny Sugiantoro, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Kedaulatan Rakyat. Claudia also took a picture with a delegation from India, who will be hosting the 8th AYD.

Angela Dinaria – 2015 Scholar

  • Introducing myself in English Day in Nakkamwittaya School

My Story in Thailand

Several months ago I was selected as a delegation of MSGA (Medical Student Goes Abroad) program which was held by ISMKI (Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia) and AIESEC. In this program, I chose Sawasdee Project Thailand. I was accepted by Local Committee of AIESEC in Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. I started my project at 3rd February 2017 and finished at 8th March 2017. This project was held in order to reach the 4th goal of GSDG (Global Sustainable Development Goals) by United Nations, whis is Equality Education.

The goal of this project is to provide the equality education among students in the rural area of Thailand. I had to run my project in Ubonratchathani Province, which is very far from Bangkok. It took around 9 hours to go to Ubonratchathani from Bangkok. In the first week of my project, I taught English with another EPs (exchange participants) from Indonesia and Argentina. We went to Laongampittayakom School and held an English Camp there. There are 2 EPs also from another school that joined us in this English Camp. They came from Indonesia and Spain. We had many activities to learnt in this English Camp. We learnt English by singing, dancing, and playing games. Besides, we also taught the students about Bahasa Indonesia and Spanish. We had so much fun there.

In the next week, I moved to Nakkamwittaya School and met again with the EPs from Indonesia and Spain. We taught the students, lived in the same host family, and travelling around Ubonratchathani together. For daily activities, we taught the students some exercises for their final examination. But sometimes we had special occasions in learning English, such as Valentine’s Day, English Day, Science Camp, and Farewell Day (for another EPs from Indonesia and Spain).  At the first time, both the students and the teachers were so shy to speak in English with us (the EPs). By the time goes by, we practice to speak in English everyday and every time. I was very glad that their English skill got better and better everyday. I realized that from giving small and simple action from ourself could bring big impacts for others.

My project is not only about teaching English to the children. I was learning many things also. I met many people who were very kind to me. They welcomed me warmly and treat me like their own sister. My host school and host family were very friendly. They liked to take me to travel around Ubonratchathani Province. I visited so many tourism places in the weekend. I tried so many Thai traditional food and beverages. I learnt Thai language by songs, drama series, movies, and daily conversations. It was very nice to learn Thai traditional culture from my students and the teachers (my brothers and sisters). They are my new big family.

I’m not saying that my project run very well without any obstacles. I had problems sometimes. But I tried to deal with it and find the best way out of my problems there. I learnt how to be a problem solver, not a problem complainer. I got so many experiences there, wether it is sadness, happiness, cuteness, craziness, etc. Those all experiences would be an unforgettable memory in my life. If I have another chance to go back to Thailand, I will definitely visit Ubonratchathani and see my family there again :-).


By Angela Dinaria - March, 2017

2015 Scholar
Medical Student
Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya, East Java

Marmini Estiningsih – 2012 Scholar

marminiMs. Marmini Estiningsih has been a teacher since 1984, and is currently the 2011-2015 principal of Eben Haezer III Christian Elementary School in Salatiga, Central Java. She is pursuing a Master’s degree in  educational management at Satya Wacana Christian University in Salatiga.

Suharto – 2012 Scholar

Mr. Suharto graduated from Universitas Cendrawasih in Nabire, Papua with a Master’s in Science Education. He is our 2012 scholarship recipient who also teaches at Anak Panah Christian High School in Nabire. Upon graduating from the university, Suharto wishes to make a difference in his students’ lives.

Maria B. M. Indahsari, M.Pd. – 2012 Scholar

Maria graduated cum laude from Universitas Negeri Jakarta with a Master’s in Early Childhood Education. She is the founder of two preschools in Bogor that most of her students are under-resourced. Maria is one of our 2012 scholarship recipients. In the past year, she was invited several times to train fellow educators and speak about childhood education at provincial and national levels.

Memiliki passion di dunia pendidikan anak usia dini, sejak tahun 2010 Chelly mendirikan sekolah untuk anak usia dini yang berlatar belakang kurang mampu di kecamatan Bogor Timur dan Bogor Selatan.

Berbekal pengalaman mengajar dan latar belakang pendidikan Magister PAUD, ia dipercayakan menjadi penyusun kurikulum 2013 di Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia.

Ia juga dipercaya untuk menjadi narasumber dan pengajar bagi guru2 di pulau Jawa bahkan di luar pulau Jawa.

Sebagai seorang ibu, ia juga mendedikasikan waktunya untuk mendidik kedua anak-anaknya untuk menjadi pemimpin di masa depan.

Frans A. Tadanugi – 2012 Scholar

Frans is a native of the 1998-2002 conflict area Poso with a heart to rebuild his community from the conflict impact. Frans earned his Master’s degree in Math Education from Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi. He is one of ILF’s 2012 scholarship recipients who teaches math at a public middle school in Poso, Central Sulawesi.

In March of 2013, his family went through a difficult time when he lost his only son due to an illness. Despite his loss, Frans was motivated and able to complete his study because of support from his family and friends. Upon graduating from the university in August of 2014, he is now back teaching in Poso. Frans also received a wonderful gift after his graduation, a newborn son.

Wisnu Subagyo – 2011 Scholar

Wisnu earned a Master’s degree in Educational Management from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga, Central Java. He is a principal at Eben Haezer Christian Elementary School in Salatiga. Wisnu is one of ILF’s first scholarship recipients. We started to sponsor him in 2011. Toward the end of his study, Wisnu was diagnosed with a disease that would require him to take a time off of school and do a series of surgery and therapy. Despite his health condition, Wisnu was able to defend his thesis and graduated in the spring of 2014.

Endah Kristiningrum – 2011 Scholar

Ms. Endah Kristiningrum is a staff member of Perkantas, branch of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Indonesia. In 2008 she moved to Papua and lived there for about two years to teach. Then with two friends, Ms. Kristiningrum started a learning center for underprivileged children. She is pursuing a Master’s degree in early childhood education at Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

“…Bersyukur untuk pengetahuan dan pengalaman 1 tahun belajar di UNJ, banyak hal baru yang dibukakan dan banyak pengalaman dari rekan-rekan yang berasal dari daerah-daerah yang membantu saya berpikir lebih dalam, akan kondisi pendidikan anak di Indonesia. Dan bersyukur untuk satu buku yang telah kami hasilkan. Terimakasih untuk ILF yang membuka jalan pertama sehingga saya termotivasi untuk melangkah melanjutkan study…”