This year, our scholars would benefit greatly from your financial contribution to help them advance in their study. Although many of us may be facing some challenges and difficult time due to the pandemic, but we assure you that your giving is not wasted and will go an extra mile towards our scholars’ needs. Thank you again for being a great partner in this effort to raise the future leaders of Indonesia. Your contribution to ILF is greatly appreciated.

Donors in Indonesia
If you live in Indonesia, please send email to for more information.
Donors in United States
If you live in the United States, you can donate securely online using paypal or mail your check. You can designate your donation for specific programs (i.e. Scholarship, Professional Development, etc). Please mention the program as a note on your donation.
Your contribution to Indonesian Leadership Foundation is greatly appreciated.
Please make your check payable to “Indonesian Leadership Foundation” and mail it to:
Indonesian Leadership Foundation
c/o Treasurer
17745 Larchmont Terrace, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

All online donation will be directed to your PaypPal account using credit card. If you have any questions or concerns, please send email to for more information.
Click on the ‘Donate’ button below to be directed to PayPal page.